The sky is falling

It was a beautiful, sunny, blue-sky Texas afternoon in Fayetteville.

Sitting outside simply enjoying the weather and the day I heard geese off in the distance. I grabbed my binoculars. A flock was coming towards me, flying north to south towards the Gulf of Mexico. It is time for their seasonal migration to warmer climes.

They were very high in the sky for a bird family, about one hundred of them at approximately three thousand feet.

Being a private pilot I love seeing birds as they should be, flying free in that lazy, wavy chevron.

Once, flying over Delaware, I gave a flock of them a wide berth at that altitude.

Here at home as they passed over I was rained on by gossamer threads, strings the thickness of filament that a spider weaves.  I ran inside to get my camera, unsure if in the sun and glare the strands would stand out. [*]

Positioning myself carefully and quickly – since this aerial parade was ongoing – I managed to get three good images. One of them appears above.

Another thread that I followed in its descent landed on a piece of steel nearby. It had a small agglomeration attached to it. It felt similar to down.

Since I have been listening to a lot of late-night radio lately – coast-to- coast a.m. – I wondered with some degree of paranoia, tempered with reality, if this experience was extra terrestrially orchestrated?

Were the geese simply used as cover for ET high-tech droppings? Is this another way for the NSA to spy on us? Were the floating strings “chemtrails” spewed from a conventional plane?

Another hypothesis is that the geese were tuckered out, fatigued, and were producing spittle much as a long-distance runner does running a marathon. These birds still had another fifty miles or so before they made landfall at the Gulf.

While you look at the original image above and think your own thoughts, please note that another article same subject is linked at the bottom of the page.

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Here is the other piece:

[* Sunday, 9 November, 2014, at 1:59 p.m.]

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